California License Exams, Pacific College Comps
Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction
Pacify & Extinguish Internal Wind
Extinguish Internal Wind
Sedates the Liver, Extinguishes Wind, Nourishes the Yin, and Anchors Yang
Esays on Medicine Esteeming the Chinee and Respecting the Western (1918-1934)
Dizziness, vertigo, a feeling of distention in the eyes, tinnitus, feverish sensation in the head, headache, irritability, flushed face (as if intoxicated), and a wiry, long, and forceful pulse. There may also be frequent belching, progressive motor dysfunction of the body or development of facial asymmetry that occurs over a period of a few hours to a few days, severe dizziness and vertigo, sudden loss of consciousness, mental confusion with moments of lucidity, and an inability to fully recover after loss of consciousness.