Special Pill to Restore Life
Sedate & Calm The Spirit
Clear Heat & Open the Sensory Orifices
Opens the Sensory Orifices, Arrests Spasms and Convulsions, Clears Heat, and Transforms Phelgm
Medicinal Teachings from the Respectfully Decorated Hall (late 18th century)
Fever, impaired consciousness, childhood convulsions, irritability, and restlessness. The child may also have wheezing, nausea, night crying, vomiting milk, diarrhea, abdominal pain, excessive secretion of mucus and saliva, and sounds of mucus in the throat
Contraindicated during pregnancy. This formula is for childhood convulsions due to excess patterns and inappropriate when due to waning of the Spleen and Kidney yang. If this diagnosis is unlcear, do not use this formula.