Pacific College Comps
Liquid Styrax Pill
Warm & Open The Sensory Orifices
Warm and Open the Orifices
Warm and aromatically open the orifices, promote qi movement, tranform turbidity.
Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (1078-85)
Coma due to apoplexy, stroke, or cholera. Could present in several different ways.
Syncope, loss of consciousness, clenched jaw
Fullness, pain, cold in the chest and abdomen with sudden loss of consciousness or coma
Glomus in the chest and abdominal pain, urge to vomit and defecate without doing either, may lead to sudden loss of consciousness or coma.
All of the above are accompanied by excessive mucus and saliva, a pale complexion, cold extremities and purple lips. Tongue is pale with a slippery, greasy coating. Pulse is submerged and slippery.