Flushing Away Roiling Phlegm Pill
Dry Dampness & Transform Phlegm
Clear Heat & Transform Phlegm
Drains Fire and Drives out Phlegm
Subtle Import of the Jade Key (1396)
Insanity, palpitations with anxiety; or severe, continuous palpitations that can lead to coma; or coughing and wheeing with thick, viscous sputum; or focal disntention and a stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrium; or dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus. In every case, there is constipation, a yellow, thick tongue coating, and a slippery, rapid and forceful pulse. There may also be facial tics, insomnia, or extremely strange dreams, sudden, deep pain in the joints that is difficult to describe, nodules in the neck, or a choking sensation.
Contraindicated during pregnancy and postpartum. It should not be used in weak individuals or in the absence of excess heat and chronic, stubborn phlegm.