Clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, and cools the blood: for
warm-heat pathogen diseases accompanied by extreme
heat or heat signs, and for very high fever affecting the
nutritive or blood levels with chaotic movement of hot
blood. Manifestations include erythema, purpura, nosebleed, vomiting of blood, or convulsions and delirium.
Clears heat and arrests tremors: for warm-heat pathogen
diseases when the heat enters the nutritive or blood levels
with such symptoms as unremitting high fever, loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions, or manic behavior, as in
Greatest Treasure Special Pill (zhi bao dan).
Treatment Principles
cool nutritive and blood level heat
clears heat from the Heart channel
resolves toxic rashes and sores
stops bleeding due to heat in the blood
Use with caution in those with cold from deficiency of the middle burner.
30-120g in decoction; 6-15g as a powder
Tom's Comment
Cold, bitter, salty, enters the nutritive and blood levels
Shui Niu Jiao is also bitter and thus can enter the heart and blood level