Pacific College Comps
Arecae Semen
Betelnut Palm Seed
Expel Parasites
Acrid, Bitter
Kills and Purges Parasites
Unblocks Stagnant Qi
Unblocks the Bowels
Unblocks Food and Phlegm Stagnation
Descends Qi
Stimulates Urination
Reduces Edema
Treats Nausea and Vomiting
Treats Malaria
Contraindicated during pregnancy. Contraindicated with prolapse, loose stool, and weak middle qi. An overdose (more than 20g) may lead to cholinergic toxic symptoms of excess salivation, vomiting, diarrhea and stupor. Frquent consumption will turn the teeth black. Contraindicated for patients on antipsychotic medication.
6-12g, 60-120g alone for tapeworms; soak in water 2 hours before decocting. Drink cool to reduce side-effects. May also be taken as a pill or powder.