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Therapeutic Actions1.Relieves pathogenic elements that contribute to acute gallbladder colic (cholecystalgia) and help dissolve gallstones (cholelithiasis)2.Relieves chronic gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) with indigestion, nausea, and discomfort in the flanks, epigastrium, or abdomen3.Effective in preventing stones in the urinary system
Chinese Therapeutic EffectsClears stagnant liver qiClears damp heat from the liver and gallbladderMoves the blood
FormulaGB-6 combines ingredients for resolving the most commonly encountered disease mechanisms accounting for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. The formula is based on an empirical research formula used currently in China. It is meant to be taken for a prolonged period of time between acute episodes in order to dredge the liver and facilitate the gallbladder, regulate the Qi, activate the blood, clear heat, eliminate dampness, disperse stagnation, and expel or dissolve stones. Melia (chuan lian zi) assists patients who suffer discomfort in the region of the gallbladder due to stress causing liver qi stagnation and poor diets leading to dampness and heat.
Clinical Notes1.In Chinese clinics one course of therapy with this formula is three months. One to three courses of this therapy usually prove effective2.During acute attacks, combine with acupuncture therapy, and Western treatment3.Abstinence from greasy, spicy foods, fats and oils, sugars, coffee, and alcohol will greatly assist this therapy4.Gallbladder problems are common in middle-aged and overweight individuals, especially women. Consider using as a preventive for women undergoing rapid weight loss, as rapid weight loss can increase the presence of gallbladder stones5.Consider for phantom pain in individuals whose gallbladder has been removed
Curcuma tuber (yu jin)
Corydalis rhizome (yan hu suo)
Taraxacum herb (pu gong ying)
Melia fruit (chuan lian zi)
Ji nei jin (ji nei jin)
Salvia root (dan shen)
Therapeutic Actions1.Relieves pathogenic elements that contribute to acute g...